why is increasing population is the problem for the mankind?

We are unaware what is actually happening the world level. We are facing problems such as :

  • climate changes 
  • global warming  
  • ozone depletetion
  • unemployment increases drastically 
  • new diseases are coming 
  • pollution
  • lacking of water 
  • deforestation
  • species extinction
  • density of human race increased 
  • running out of natural resource
  • crime rate is increasing
  • and many more such issues
these problem are not of single person and no single person can fix it . so all have to take some firm decision , to assure the existence of mankind.  

increase human population isn't only harming themselves but also other living species (many of them were already extinct) on earth.

why is increasing population needs our concern ?

as we know that our home planet earth only has limited amount of resources available for us and they earth is running out them. here i m not talking about the fuel resources but basic not such water ,oxygen and land .

human population is increasing in much faster rate then we can imagine .The chart give below is showing drastic change in last few decades.

the consequences of the increasing population is leading our upcoming generation future.


If we see more precisely the situation of increasing population ,then it is mostly those country such as china and the India .The population of India in 2019 was 136.64 crores and china population was 139.77crores in 2019. India is a highly diversified country but unfortunately it loosing its nature treasure due to increasing population .

the above shown painting is showing how the increase in population could change the world from heaven to hell. And our situation is like the middle picture .

  1. The first image of this painting is trying to show us that time when the world was started as many kind of creature we could see in the first picture 
  2. Next one is showing the situation when one species increases drastically then that eradicates the other species , the other creature are been killed ,indeed they are killing each other , this situation resembles to the today's world situation 
  3. And this last one shows the eradication there own species by killing each other and by destroying there surrounding . it shows the transformation of heaven into hell by just one reason of population increase .

climate change

Climate change is a undesirable or harmful change in the nature which is induced due to the human activities directly or sometimes indirectly. climate change can be seen as the unpredictable weathering 
and natural disaster like earth quake , flood , forest fire, sea level rising and so many more which are not mentioned here.


Every year millions of hectares of world's forest are lost by fire, consequences are ecological loss, economical loss and many casualties of flora and fauna . 

        https://th.bing.com/th/id/R475b90d4a27ba02a10dc3dca17e3a46b?rik=PxZ8YFZrPUK%2bEQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.earthday.org%2fwp-                                       content%2fuploads%2fWildFires.jpg&ehk=qYoPZzj3uAxEdJyVXfWF2Pb%2f9KsrnU2Ybcqj7h4oL6s%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw

Priceless environment got damaged just due to  human modernization . Change in temperature of earth temperature could effect the earth's nature cooling system. Glaciers have been melting due to which the earth's efficiency of cooling itself is going away. It is not possible to recreate glaciers again once, due this the sea level is increasing. The species which are present in such  cold environment are being eradicated. Because there natural habitat have been taken away by the human activities. I am not that all the persons are on wrong side ,but the handful of people or organization could not save the entire biosphere of earth. As the temperature would rise the conformer species who could not modulate there temperature would be extinct gradually because for the ecosystem to be stable there should be habitat of living in cases of  such as melting glacier and forest fire , habitat is no more remaining their.


Flood is another consequence of climate change . Flood causes 40 billion USD every year, it causes such enormous damage to ecosystem all over the world. Flood usually happens due over precipitation or cloud burst at some area causing massacre and genocide. The tragedy at Kedarnath flood in june 16, 2013 due to cloud burst at glacial lake caused flood in Mandakini river ,193 casualties,236 were severely injured, 4021 missing, and around 17000 houses were damaged , but only the temple survived the disaster.



    global warming 


As the above figure depict clearly about what is global warming and how it is working , as we know their is my gases present in atmosphere that absorb solar energy or heat differently.
There are some gases which absorb much higher amount of heat . DUE the activity of human the disbalance has been created in the atmosphere.

the gases which greatly harm atmosphere:

  • CO2
  • CH4
  • SF6
  • N2O
  • CFC
  • CCL2F2
  • CHCLF2
  • CF4
  • C2F6
  • NF3
  • O3

 1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) -

Perhaps the most well-known global greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. It occurs naturally in volcanoes, hot springs, groundwater, and glaciers. As these geologic formations release carbon dioxide, plants rely on it to perform photosynthesis which results in oxygen production. Today, human activity such as fossil fuel burning, cement production, deforestation, agriculture, and development all contribute to increased carbon dioxide production. It currently has 388,500 parts per billion in the atmosphere, which is an 108,500 increase since before industrialization. With such high concentrations in the atmosphere, plants are unable to keep up by removing it from the air. Because this gas absorbs and emits infrared radiation, it contributes significantly to global warming.

 2. Methane (CH4) -

Methane is 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide in terms of its global warming potential. It also has a lifespan of 12 years. This gas occurs both naturally and as a result of human activity. Naturally, it originates in wetlands, volcanoes, methane-producing insects and animals, and within the oceanic floor. Human activity such as burning fossil fuels, raising livestock, cultivating rice, and dumping in landfills are all contributing to increasing presence of this gas. When controlled, the earth has natural sinks that help absorb methane, however excess human production has proven to exceed what the earth can naturally absorb. Pre-industrial levels were approximately 700 parts per billion. Today, that has increased to 1,870 parts per billion. 

3. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) -

Nitrous oxide is produced by industrial manufacturing, the combustion of fossil fuels, and the breakdown of agricultural fertilizer. Additionally, it occurs naturally in the ground. Nitrous oxide is a compressed liquefied gas that has an atmospheric life of 114 years and a global warming potential that is 298 times stronger than carbon dioxide. This means it traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere at a much higher rate than carbon dioxide. This gas has several uses, including as a rocket motor oxidizer, as an internal combustion engine speed booster, as an aerosol spray propellant, and as an anesthetic and pain reliever in dentistry, childbirth, and surgery around the world. The US government has agreed to analyze, measure, and publish greenhouse gas emission measurements per the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Of US emissions, approximately 75% come from the agricultural industry. Despite its danger to the environment, nitrous oxide is expected to remain one of the largest greenhouse gas emissions in the future.

 4. Dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) -

Most commonly referred to as Freon-12, Dichlorodifluoromethane is used in aerosol spray cans and as a refrigerant. It is believed to have an atmospheric life of approximately 102 years, when it is finally degraded by solar radiation. Unfortunately, its degradation actually allows it to destroy the ozone layer. A weak or broken ozone layer allows the sun’s ultraviolet rays to enter the earth’s atmosphere. It was a popular choice for auto air conditioning units prior to 1994. After the Montreal Protocol, manufacturing this greenhouse gas became illegal due to its disastrous effects on the ozone layer. It is, however, still permitted for use as a flame retardant in air vehicles and on submarines.

5. Chlorodifluoromethane (CHClF2) -

Chlorodifluoromethane belongs to the hydrochlorofluorocarbon family of gases, and is most commonly used as a refrigerant and propellant. This greenhouse gas contributes significantly to ozone depletion and global warming. Despite the dangers associated with its use, CHCIF2 is sometimes used in place of other gases with higher ozone depleting potential. However, the European Union has banned manufacturing this gas as well as prohibited its use in servicing refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, and only recycled chlorodifluoromethane is permitted. Any broken equipment must be replaced by an alternative that does not contain this gas. The same reduction and phase-out strategy has been employed in the United States.

 6. Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) -

Tetrafluoromethane is a nonflammable gas that belongs to the fluorocarbon family. Utilization of the Hall-Heroult process in aluminum production results in this gas. Additionally, it is used as a refrigerant. CF4 is a strong greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change and has an atmospheric lifetime of 50,000 years. Because of its low concentration level in the atmosphere, it is not currently believed to have a significant radiative forcing effect, which leads to rising global temperatures. However, its presence is constantly increasing which will lead to global warming. It does not deplete the ozone.

7. Hexafluoroethane (C2F6) -

Hexafluoroethane is a fluorocarbon that is used in the semiconductor industry, and is sourced from byproducts of aluminum production processes. It has a 10,000-year atmospheric lifespan and a global warming potential of 9,200. Prior to industrialization, this gas did not exist in the atmosphere. Humans may suffocate around this gas, if exposed to high concentrations.

8. Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) -

Sulfur hexafluoride is an electrical insulator, and generally is used in the form of a liquefied compressed gas. It is not very water soluble, but does dissolve in organic solvents. It has an atmospheric life of 3,200 years and global warming potential 23,900 times stronger than carbon dioxide. SF6 is considered one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases known. It is banned as a tracer gas and is limited to high voltage applications. In addition, the US Department of Energy repaired leaks in several laboratories, thereby reducing emissions by 35,000 pounds a year.

9. Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3) -

Nitrogen trifluoride is produced by industrial gas and chemical companies. It is recognized by the Kyoto Protocol as a greenhouse gas that contributes to global climate change. It has an atmospheric life of between 550 and 740 years. Under this environmental treaty, member countries have committed to reducing emissions of this gas.

10. Ozone (O3) -

Ozone presents itself in two forms, stratospheric and tropospheric. Stratospheric ozone occurs naturally. Tropospheric ozone, however, is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Humans produce this gas through industrial plants, chemical solvents, and burning fossil fuels. Prior to industrialization, tropospheric ozone was concentrated at 25 parts per billion in the atmosphere. Today, it is at approximately 34 parts. When O3 mixes with carbon monoxide, the combination results in smog. Taking public transportation, avoiding pesticides, and buying natural cleaning products are all ways to reduce ozone production.

 11. Water Vapor (H2O) -

Water vapor, although it sounds innocent enough, is one of the biggest contributors to global climate change. Interestingly, water vapor is not directly emitted from human activity. It is in response to already rising temperatures. As the atmosphere becomes higher, the rate of water evaporation also increases. This water vapor tends to stay in the lower atmosphere where it absorbs infrared radiation and pushes it down to the earth’s surface, causing already hot temperatures to continue to rise.



OZONE layer shields us from harmful solar rays but due to some pollutant gases(CFC and HCFC) which breaks the O3 Molecule into the O2 and Chlorine monoxide.


Airplanes emit particles and gases such as 
carbon dioxide ( CO 2 ), water vapor, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, lead, and black carbon


above is shown the increasing temperature of earth effecting the ozone depletion. 


the changes recorded in ozone layer from march 16 to April 13 ,2020.

the ozone which is very essential for the existence of life is breaking down due to the activity of humans, indeed as it is very clear that increment in population is destroying the fate of mankind. 

perhaps when would chaos come handful of powerful [elites ] human would survive leaving other for dying . Cause they can't save every life. And in future life would be  very cheap .

unemployment increases






emergence of new diseases






Water shortage








increasing population density 


Extinction of species



Natural resources are running out


Crime rate increases 



