
Showing posts from March, 2021

why is increasing population is the problem for the mankind?

We are unaware what is actually happening the world level. We are facing problems such as : climate changes  global warming   ozone depletetion unemployment increases drastically  new diseases are coming  pollution lacking of water  deforestation species extinction density of human race increased  running out of natural resource crime rate is increasing and many more such issues these problem are not of single person and no single person can fix it . so all have to take some firm decision , to assure the existence of mankind.   increase human population isn't only harming themselves but also other living species (many of them were already extinct) on earth. why is increasing population needs our concern ? as we know that our home planet earth only has limited amount of resources available for us and they earth is running out them. here i m not talking about the fuel resources but basic not such water ,oxygen and land . human population is inc...